by Bonnie Landau | Dec 11, 2016 | Assessments, Autism, Neuroplasticity
Q: My 4 year old daughter’s pediatrician noted some developmental delays and referred us to a psychologist for a full assessment. She had 14 ear infections form 6 months to 3 years of age, and our family has a history of auditory processing disorder (APD) and I...
by Steve Weed | Feb 28, 2016 | Auditory Processing, Blog
Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) is not an issue of poor hearing, but an issue with how the brain interprets the nerve signals from the ear. APD challenges are most often seen with spoken speech since the differences between speech pronunciation can be subtle and...
by Bonnie Landau | Feb 27, 2016 | Blog, Learning Styles
If somebody were to give you driving directions to a place, and you drew a map while listening to the person telling you the directions, which would you recall when going there: Would you visual yourself drawing the map? Would you see pictures in your head of the...
by Bonnie Landau | Feb 15, 2016 | Blog, Reading, Visual Processing
To read well your eyes must work well. Unfortunately most people think this means if text looks blurry, you need an eye exam. The truth is, there is more that goes on with eye function than just visual acuity. This is why it is very important to have your child...
by Bonnie Landau | Nov 12, 2015 | Blog, Book Review, Reading
When a child struggles in school, parents often go looking for a reason. Is the child trying hard enough? Does my child have a learning disability? Is the teacher not effective? I was this kind of parent, looking for answers — and possibly labels — that would lead to...
by Bonnie Landau | Oct 15, 2015 | Blog, Research
Scientists at the University of Utah have discovered that the eyes influence what the brain hears. The scientists did an experiment with epilepsy patients where they actually measured brain activity when the subject was presented with an image and a sound at the same...
by Bonnie Landau | Sep 19, 2015 | Blog, Book Review, Neuroplasticity
The Woman Who Changed Her Brain By Barbara Arrowsmith-Young It is a common belief that once a person is diagnosed with a learning disability, they are stuck with that challenge for life. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young had a profound set of deficits that labeled her with...
by Bonnie Landau | Jul 13, 2015 | Auditory Processing, Blog, TBI
This is incredible! I just read this article in The Hearing Journal that states this statistic: 55% of patients with acquired traumatic brain injury have central auditory processing disorder. The article is written from the perspective of testing the auditory system...
by Steve Weed | Jun 16, 2015 | Blog, Reading, Visual Processing
When a child struggles with reading we often look to their effort or the teaching method as the source of the problem. After all, if they tried harder, or if we cater to their optimum learning style, chances are good the information will click and they will be on...
by Bonnie Landau | Oct 24, 2012 | Blog, Reading
I just got back from Irlen Screener Training and I have discovered something incredible: I see distortions when I read. The reason this is incredible is because I had no idea I had this problem. This realization has changed my world for the better! Irlen Syndrome is...