by Bonnie Landau | Jul 15, 2012 | Auditory Processing, Blog
Last week I read a story that brought tears to my eyes because it involved changing the perceptions of a very young girl, Grace. Almost 11 years old, Grace has been diagnosed with auditory processing disorder (APD). Her parents have done a lot to try and help her, but...
by Bonnie Landau | Aug 15, 2011 | Blog, Neuroplasticity, TBI
“Mommy, I smell smoke,” Michael said. “Smoke?” I questioned. “Yes, really stinky smoke,” he replied. Then I noticed the tar vat in the lane next to us. Indeed he smelled some of the ickiest smoke possible — melted tar. And then I got really excited. He was smelling...
by Bonnie Landau | Jul 20, 2011 | Blog, Neuroplasticity, TBI
Most parents get excited when their child builds a complex K’nex kit or figure out a super hard math problem, but today I am thrilled to share that my son stood as still as a statue! Before neurofeedback standing still was not an option for Michael. No matter how hard...
by Bonnie Landau | Jun 17, 2011 | Blog, Neuroplasticity, TBI
I always hold my breath when an assessment is complete, and when our son had his QEEG brain map I approached the results anxiously. Having been through dozens of these, I still can never get used to hearing what is “wrong” with my son. And so I find I have to focus on...