There are SO many things to do to get our kids out of summer mode and back into school mode. It’s a wonder we get it all done! I created this simple checklist so you could have an easy to make sure you don’t lose track of anything.

This list is geared towards parents of kids who are in special education. It helps you remember specific things you need to do so your child will be success this school year. It includes:

Things I need to get

Things I need to prepare

Things I need to schedule

  • Pre-school start meeting with teacher
  • Child visit before start of school
  • If you need an IEP right away, request it in writing on the first day of school.
  • Schedule follow up meeting with teacher 4-6 weeks after school starts.

Things I need to do

  • Deliver information sheets to teachers (Get to Know Me, Disability Info Sheet, Accommodation Summary)
  • Deliver copy of IEP to teachers
  • Deliver medical record information to the school nurse.
  • Attend Back-to-School Night.
  • Make copies of all school communications and insert into your IEP Binder.
  • Talk to your child about starting school and help him/her work through any back-to-school jitters.
  • Get email addresses of everybody on your child’s team.
  • If your child has a paraprofessional, make sure that person is lined up to start the first day of school.
  • If your child gets transportation, find out the schedule.