I know we all had dreams for our kids, imagining all the typical experiences they would have. Even if we have kids with no special ed challenges, life as a mom is full of surprising moments that can take us from calm to overwhelmed in a heartbeat. I know for me having my own company has given me respite from the often hectic life of a Special Ed Mom. Today I came across this wonderful vlog (video blog) where a mom talks about entrepreneurship as an avenue for helping with the unexpected aspects of being a mom.

Erin Thomas Wong is a UK Mompreneur who has shared a very insightful vlog on how she regained her sense of control after becoming a mom. By creating her own business, Erin realized that she gets to be the queen of control. “When you are the adult, and you are the one who is suppose to be in control, and often things happen where that is not the case.” she shares. “That is really hard to live with.”

Through the creation of Making Mumpreneurs, she not only grows her own business, but she helps interested moms create their own entreprenuerial adventures. “I love running my own business because I am in control.” Erin says. “I find it really empowering.”

Watch her full vlog here: