by Bonnie Landau | Aug 3, 2017 | Advocacy, Back to School, Blog, Classroom Help, Printable
The school year is about to start and I know you are already feeling stress about sending your child back to school. You wonder if the teacher will be helpful and supportive, or mean and a problem. Until you know, you will have to focus on deep breaths and hope for...
by Bonnie Landau | Apr 12, 2017 | Humor, IEP
IEPs Dr. Seuss Style (author unknown) Do you like these IEPs? I do not like these IEP’s I do not like them, Jeeze Louise We test, we check we plan, we meet but nothing ever seems complete. Would you, could you like the form? I do not like the form I see. Not...
by Steve Weed | Apr 10, 2017 | 504, Blog, IEP
In the United States, if your child is unable to complete schoolwork with the same method and competence as peers, some kind of educational plan may be drafted, approved and implemented to assist. Reasons for needing help could include behavioral emotional, academic...