Blogs by Bonnie Landau
Information about Special Education & Inspiration for Special Ed MomsThe Ultimate IEP Binder Toolkit for Special Ed Parents
Creating an IEP binder is one of the best ways to make sure it is easy to access all the details in the mounds of paperwork. Between IEP documents, school documents and outside doctor assessments, and research, you can literally have piles of paperwork to...
Special Ed Procedural Safeguards (Parent Rights) for Each State
Procedural Safeguards, sometimes called Parent Rights, are the laws each state has implemented in order to ensure compliance with IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). While the Federal Government establishes laws for special education...
A New Theory of Intelligence TEDTalk by Scott Barry Kaufman
There are many people in the special education world who champion causes to help kids with learning challenges. Scott Barry Kaufman is one of the more unique activists in that he himself had learning challenges that he overcame. He truly is a symbol of the potential...
What Causes Auditory Processing Disorder?
Audiologists have not determined exactly what causes auditory processing disorder (APD), although there has been some consensus that there are two primary types: Acquired APD: The child was born with normal auditory function, but at some point the hearing...
The 5 Subtypes of Auditory Processing Disorder
Auditory processing disorder (APD) is one of the lesser known disabilities, but more and more it is being identified as the root cause of learning challenges. The most common type of APD is difficulty understanding language in the presence of competing sounds. There...
5 Reasons You Must Have a Weighted Blanket!
Hands down the weighted blanket was the best thing we ever bought to help our son with sensory issues. There would have many more meltdowns and many more nights without sleep if we had not invested in this invaluable. Here are 5 reasons I think you should have a...
Podcast: Parent’s Complete Guide to Advocacy
I had the pleasure of being interviewed by a fellow Karen Thomas, a fellow Special Ed Mom who has an online community called Naturally Healing Autism. Karen has a background in natural medicine, and when your son was diagnosed with autism, she used her knowledge to...
Social Stories to Help Back to School Transition
Have you ever used a social story to help your child transition from one situation to another? Social stories are great tools that offer a simple, easy-to-understand format to explain a situation. Sometimes it helps a child understand what is going to happen in a...
60 Books to Calm Back to School Fears
Going back to school is uppermost in our mind this time of year, and we all know our kids have the hardest time expressing it. Sometimes reading to them, then discussing the story, is a great way to help your child open and about their anxiety. Vicki at Babies to...
Transitioning Back to School After Brain Injury
I created this presentation to share with school counselors about how to help kids transition back to school after a brain injury. I'm not just referring to a severely traumatic brain injury, but any child who has had an insult to their brain. This could include...
T-shirts: Finding Humor in the IEP Process
Here are some fun t-shirts I have created to help us find some humor in this process. Keep smiling because in the end it will turn out okay, even if the journey is a bit bumpy! Click on the t-shirt images and you can buy them right here at the Special Mom...
First Day of School Jitters for Mom
My oldest son is starting high school this year, and while he did amazingly well in 8th grade, I am an anxious mom about this upcoming transition. He is excited to see friends again, but not too thrilled at the prospect of schoolwork. He no longer needed an aide...
What is Biomedical Healing and How Can It Help My Child?
How can a child go from being totally spacey, unable to focus and needing a one-on-one aide in school to becoming an independent student who gets A's and B's in general education classes? Biomedical healing is one approach that can bring this sort of progress. I know...
21 IEP Goal Banks for Writing Stellar IEP Goals
IEP Goal Banks can be your best resource for helping write goals for your child's IEP. The IEP Team is suppose to write the goals together, but often the school staff writes it before the parent gets involved. That is why in my book, Special Ed Mom Survival Guide, I...
Educating Teacher About Your Child’s Disability
The school year is about to start and I know you are already feeling stress about sending your child back to school. You wonder if the teacher will be helpful and supportive, or mean and a problem. Until you know, you will have to focus on deep breaths and...
Winning the Battle of Limiting Electronics
When I was a child, my parents kept the TV locked in a cabinet, and we were only allowed to watch 2 hours per week. Usually Little House on the Prairie on Monday nights, and Love Boat on Saturday night. If we were lucky, they would fall asleep during Love Boat and we...