Here are all my printable downloads.
I promise you I won’t send you spam email or share your email with any third parties. I will just be sending out my newsletter and helpful information about being a Special Ed Mom.
If you have any questions or concern, feel free to contact me!
The Ultimate IEP Binder Toolkit
As we all know, the best advocacy can happen when we are super organized. I talk about this in my book, Special Ed Mom Survival Guide, in chapter 33, Track Everything and Stay Organized! That is why I created The Ultimate IEP Binder Toolkit for Special Ed Parents. With 40 pages of forms, lists and information, this toolkit gives you all the pieces you need to stay organized! It even has pre-layed out pages for binder tabs, and cover and spine printouts for your notebook. $4.99 per copy.
IEP Cuaderno Para Padres en Español
El paquete de herramientas de IEP Binder Tool para padres de Ed. Especial tiene 40 páginas de formularios, listas e información. ¡Este conjunto de herramientas te brinda todas las piezas que necesitas para mantenerte organizado! Incluso tiene páginas preestablecidas para las pestañas de encuadernación y las impresiones de portadas y lomo de su computadora portátil.
Back to School Checklist for Special Ed Parents
Because getting back to school is so challenging as is, how can you be sure you’ll remember everything? This checklist is specifically for moms who have kids in special education. Now you will know all the paperwork, supplies and tasks you’ll need to make this school year a success!
“Get to Know Me” sheet
A “Get to Know Me” sheet is a fabulous way to help your teachers get a quick glimpse into your child’s strengths and challenges. It also gives the teacher insight into some of the things happening at home so the teacher has a broader understanding of the child’s life.
IEP Preparation Checklist
Because IEPs can be so challenging, how can you be sure you’re fully prepared? This checklist will help make sure you do everything necessary to get the most out of the IEP.
Educating Teacher About Your Child’s Disability
The school year is about to start and I know you are already feeling stress about sending your child back to school. You wonder if the teacher will be helpful and supportive, or mean and a problem. What I have found super helpful about starting the school year is to make an information sheet about your child’s disability.
Why the School Can’t (or Won’t) Help Your Child
I created this eBook to shed some light on why the schools so often seem to resist helping your child. It’s more than just finances. Getting to know the personality of your school district is key to making sure you have the right strategy to get to yes.
Free downloads