Special Ed Mom Survival Guide

Finding hope on the crazy journey through special education.


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You are your child’s best hope of having a successful educational experience. I know that there’s a big team at school who say they know best how to help your child. The truth of the matter is, YOU are the consistent thread from that early preschool experience on up through high school and beyond. You will always be there for your child making sure that he or she gets exactly what they need. Read more >

Same Journey Different Paths

Stories of Auditory Processing Disorder

Take a Journey through Auditory Processing Disorder Same Journey, Different Paths is a wonderfully comprehensive book written by parents and individuals with Auditory Processing Disorder (APD). By sharing their stories and experiences, other parents and individuals with APD understand they are not alone. The authors of the book live all over the world, and found each other on social media sites, while looking for answers during their times of struggle. Through this connection, they started talking to one another, sharing advice, telling their stories, and developed relationships with one another.

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Grounded for Life

The Grounded for *Life* deck has 52 grounding exercises that can easily be done at home, at the office or outside. This deck is the size of a regular deck of cards so it can go in your purse or pocket and be used anywhere. Whenever you feel ungrounded choose a card and bring peace to yourself by grounding your body in the here and now.

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The Ultimate IEP Binder Toolkit Free Download

Special Education Mom Survival Guide book

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