Special Ed Guest Blogs Wanted

I love having guest bloggers contribute their expertise to my blog! If you have a specialty that focuses on advocacy, special education or helping families of special kids, please submit your idea for guest post.

Guidelines for Guest Blogs

  • I ask that all posts be unique, not a copy of something on your website. Copied posts are not good for search engine optimization (SEO) and Google really frowns on them.
  • Posts should be a maximum of 1200 words in length. Our moms are busy people and don’t have time to read too much!
  • Please provide posts in Microsoft Word or TXT file format. Please do not send them in the body of an email as the formatting gets messed up and requires time to sort out.
  • You must provide at least one photo related to the content. You are responsible for making sure you have the rights to use the photo. You can find free photos at Pixabay. Photo should be 600 pixels wide.
  • I will give you one in-line link within your blog post. Please specify the keywords to be linked and the page it should link to.
  • You can have a 50-word bio at the end of the post with one link to your website or blog. I will include your headshot if you send one.
  • Your blog may be edited for size, grammar or to follow my own editorial guidelines.
  • Your blog will be shared across my social media network, and I ask that you do the same. I will provide you a link to the blog once it goes live so you can share it.

How to be considered for a Guest Blog

If you would like to contribute, please submit your form below. If your blog topics fit with my blog theme, I will be happy to publish them. Thank you!

6 + 7 =

The Ultimate IEP Binder Toolkit Free Download

Special Education Mom Survival Guide book

Affiliate Notification

Note that some links in my blog contain affiliate links. This is one way I offset the cost of managing this blog.